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Physical & Mental Wellness

User Research

Market Research


AdobeXD, Photoshop, AfterEffects, Interviews, Surveys, A/B testings, Qualtrics




“An estimated 40 to 45% of college students engage in fitness activities regularly (≥3 days/week)” (NYU Report).
61% of respondents complain that they don’t have time and motivation to exercise regularly (Survey Result).

COVID has brought a significant transformation to modern society. The prolonged period of remote work and learning created an environment where students couldn’t get enough exercise, sleep, and social time. More and more students started to have mental and physical health concerns. "77% [of students] reported that they had struggled with mental health and wellbeing as a result of Covid-19(United Students).

How might we make exercise more fun for college students, so they could improve and maintain their mental wellness?

User & Market Research

Research Insights

From interviews, survey samples, market gap analysis

Pleasure of Movement

“I like how I feel after workout, I feel more alive and more energetic. We are all natural movers at once!“
-- College Student

Fragmented Exercise

“I make my fitness progress during my break time... Little amounts of exercise could help you a lot”
-- Wellness Researcher

Redefine Exercise

“The media is telling people the wrong thing, you don’t have to go to the gym to be physically active. In fact, the most beneficial workout is walking.”
-- Professor in Psychology of Exercise and Sport


“Please consider elders and people with disability when designing an app... Be aware of the mobile health accessibility gaps.”
-- Professor in Kinesiology and Community Health

Shifting Motivation

“Extrinsic motivation tends to result dissatisfaction, if we could find a way to transit it into intrinsic motivation, that would be more satisfactory for people.”
-- Professor in Psychology of Exercise and Sport

Serious Game Design

“The game can focus more on pet interaction, it is very interesting way to get players to move and help people to build a routine”
-- Postdoc in Game Design


Emily is a 20 years old female college student major in CS + Mathematics. She is a extreme pet lover and she lovers to interact with small animals. She always sit in front of a screen and has mytopia.



Sedentary behavior and long screen time has impact her physical wellbeing negatively. But she has no motivation to move her body. Her myopia also makes her hard to distinguish colors.

Need &  Expectation

An app that could remind her to take care of herself after a long day of working. Personalized experience would be great to help her to build a healthier life routine. 


Game Engagement

New folderIMG_7680_edited.jpg
Watch 44mm – 65.png
Watch 44mm – 66.png
Watch 44mm – 77.png
Treasure Hunting

Every time the player takes their pet out for a walk or exercise, the pet will surprise them with a gift! Whenever the player reaches their step milestone, the pet will collect coins or gifts. To receive ultimate rewards, you must walk 5% more every day.


Pet Bondings

A strong bond can be formed between the player and their pet through interaction. With their pet, players can keep a mood diary, dress them up, and train them!


Pet Community

In addition to interacting with their pets, players also interact with others through their pets. A pet community will be formed to allow players to socialize with one another.


Pet Customization

Players can either design their own pet or adopt one randomly once they enter the game! Additionally, the system will generate a unique theme color for each pet. 


Seasonal Updates

This game also features seasonal updates during holidays to keep players engaged. A special background, color palette, and event item can be unlocked during the seasonal events.

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