Design for people, Care for people, Bring enlightment to people, and Serve the world.
Wellness Supporting Tool
Keyword: Wellness, Serious Game Design, Relationships
E-Learning Platform: Trading
Keyword: E-learning, Gamification, Education
Social App for Tailgaters
ILLINI Tailgaters
Keyword: Social, Relationships, Rental
Arduino Project
Interactive Cushion
Keyword: Wellness, Arduino, Interactive
Community Wellness Research
Youth Wellness Project
Keyword: Community Wellness, Product Design, Communication
Game Design & 3D Modeling
Dance Master
Keyword: VR Learning, Unreal Engine, Move creatively
Rebrand Company Website & Logo
Atkco Inc
Keyword: Agile, Branding, Marketing
User Research & Wireframing
Keyword: E-commerse, Start-up, User experience